June 21, 2021
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in special session June 21, 2021 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Michael Nuss presiding. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. Council members present: Judy Crawford, Chuy Flores, Joe Wessels, and Mike Abbas. Pat Hurt in attendance via electronic device due to prior obligations. Quorum present.
Crawford moved, Flores seconded, to approve the June 21, 2021 Special Agenda as listed. Ayes-all, Motion carried.
Motion by Hurt, seconded by Flores to approve Resolution 21-31 Approving Police Chief Appointment. Roll call vote: Ayes Flores, Hurt, Wessels, Abbas, and Crawford. Motion carried.
Motion by Abbas, seconded by Crawford to approve the Agreement to Finance ILEA Certification and for Reimbursement for Police Chief. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Motion by Crawford, seconded by Flores to approve Michael Nuss and Mike Abbas as alternate to serve on the Hardin County 911 Service Board and the Hardin County Emergency Management Commission. Ayes-4, Abstain-Abbas. Motion carried.
Wessels updated the council on the sanitary sewer main that runs under the old elementary school. The school’s engineer is requesting the City pay for 1 man hole replacement and 69 feet of pipe. Nuss had questioned if the City will get the specifications from their engineer and Crawford had questioned if the sewer main would be disturbed during the demolition.
Nuss had stated that the Ragbrai group had requested they be able to put painted signs uptown.
Abbas moved, Flores seconded to adjourn at 5:10 p.m. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Michael Nuss, Mayor
ATTEST: __________________________________________________
Malena Dennis, City Clerk