November 13, 2023 7:00 PM District Office Board Room
Regular Meeting
1. Call to order - Mission Statement
2. Public Forum - Visitor Comments
3. Educational Presentation - English/Spanish Departments
4. Adopt Regular Board Meeting Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of minutes ( 1 )
b. Approval of financials ( 1 ) ( LOB )
c. Reports from Administration (TK) ( JG ) (KR)
d. Personnel
i. Recommendation
1. Assistant Girls Basketball
2. JH Wrestling
ii. Resignation
1. Assistant Football
e. Open Enrollment
f. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
6. Old Business
7. New Business
a. Cougar’s Den Annual Review
b. SBRC Application for Special Education Administrative costs associated with
River Hills Consortium.
c. AEA Board of Directors Election
d. School Picture Provider
e. Board Policy Updates
f. Early Retirement Policy
g. School Attendance Center Policy Update ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )
h. Coach Hiring Procedures Discussion
8. Superintendent Update
9. Adjourn
An agenda will be prepared and sent out to all Board Members. Anyone who wants to meet with
the Board is to call the Board President or Superintendent before the agenda is prepared.
Usually, the agenda will be prepared a week ahead of time. The Board reserves the right to
accept or reject any item that is not on the agenda.