October 14, 2020
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session October 14, 2020 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Joe Wessels, Mike Abbas, Judy Crawford, Chuy Flores. and Pat Hurt. Quorum present.
Hurt moved, Flores seconded, to approve the October 14, 2020 Agenda as listed. Ayes-All. Motion carried.
Hurt moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) September 16, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, as written. b) Bills approval authorizing payment of bills and transfers as listed. c) Place Reports on file: September 2020 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; September 2020 Clerk Budget Reports; September 2020 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; September 2020 Ambulance Report; August/September 2020 Fire Report; September 2020 Ackley Development Report; 3rd Quarter Investment Report; 3rd Quarter Deputy Clerk Ambulance Write off Report; 3rd Quarter Airport Trustees Report; 3rd Quarter Prairie Bridges Financial Reports; September 2020 Council Committee Reports-Water & Sanitation, Admin/Finance, Building/Parks. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Motion made by Hurt, seconded by Flores to open the Public Hearing at 7:01 pm regarding the disposal and development of city owned real property in the Ackley Urban Renewal Area known as 104 Industrial Dr., Parcel 1035351041. No public comments. Motion to close Public Hearing at 7:02 pm by Abbas, seconded by Hurt. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion to adopt Resolution 20-38 Approving Disposition of Urban Renewal Property known as 104 Industrial Dr., Parcel #1635351041 made by Wessels, seconded by Flores. Roll call vote: Ayes: Abbas, Crawford, Flores, Hurt, Wessels. Motion carried.
Presentations were done on Water Meter Replacement bids. Presentations by Tyler with Ferguson Waterworks, Dan and Paul with Municipal Supply, and Dan with Metering and Technology. Each bidder discussed the Option 1 which was radio read equipment and Option 2 being cloud based read equipment and their products. Metering and Technology also gave an Option 3 which was the cellular tower type reads. Water/Sanitation council committee members would like to talk with current Water Superintendent and will get back with the council and bidders.
Due to the expiring CD rates from the October council meeting, the council was given new rates for a maturing Cemetery Perpetual Care CD in the amount of $7800.00, currently held at GNB. Motion made by Wessels, seconded by Abbas to invest with Green Belt Bank and Trust for 36 months at a rate of .75%. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Brief discussion on placing speed limit signs on 10th Ave. was had due to motorists speeding on that street. Inquired as to placing a stop sign or two to break up the flow of traffic. Chief Shimon reported his department would do more radar up in that area.
Prairie Bridges sanitary sewer connection is complete, the water meters are not yet placed. A breakdown in communication was blamed for some previous requirements, that were made by council motion in October’s meeting, that were not completed. After a discussion and/or explanation by Paul Williams from Williams Underground, on his why he chose to do what he did against the previous motion, a new motion overriding previous motion was made by Hurt, seconded by Flores to accept Williams Underground Service invoice as billed ($15,000.00) and the City will pay half ($7,500.00) the billed invoice to Prairie Bridges with the requirement that 2 water meters would be installed by April 1, 2021 by Paul Williams at the cost to Prairie Bridges. Ayes-All Motion carried.
Bids were received from Affordable Tree Service, Country Tree Service, and Iowa River Rough Cut. Motion made by Abbas, seconded by Wessels to accept bid from Affordable Tree Service in the amount of $2920 for the removal of dead/diseased trees. Ayes-all. Motion carried. Crawford would like to have the council re-visit the Trees ordinance concerning the planting of trees in the city right of way some time in the near future.
Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-39 Approving the Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30,2020. Roll call vote: Ayes- Crawford, Wessels, Flores, Hurt, Abbas. Motion carried.
Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment of $2,930.00 to Iowa Pump Works for the N. Franklin St lift station. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment of $4,664.00 to Hardin County Engineer’s Office for salt/sand mix. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to approve payment of $32,675.00 to Arpy’s Construction for CDBG Grant on 402 2nd Ave. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Hurt moved, Crawford seconded, to approve payment of $4,094.42 to Ackley Development Commission for the 626 Main St remodel. Ayes-5. Motion carried. Clerk Dennis reports this payment concluded the City grant participation of $100,000.00.
Motion by Hurt, seconded by Abbas to set public hearing for CDBG Status of Funded Activities was set for November 11, 2020 at 7 pm. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Don Moore from CGA reports they are still waiting for the arbitrator for the Sanitary Sewer Phase I project, the contractor has come clean up services to do on the 2019/2020 Water Main Project, MP Backhoe has started the City Hall ADA steps and the City Hall Storm Sewer, the Cougar’s Den steps are done, waiting on handrails, North Butler Street is on hold until spring. Motion made by Wessels, seconded by Abbas to pay Pay Request #1 to MP Backhoe in the amount of $143,539.30. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Council guidance given to Clerk Dennis to serve 2 violation letters, both regarding Chapter 90 Water Service and the mandatory connection to the Logan Ave main for 712 Logan Ave. and one that needs to separate a water service line from another at 704 Logan Ave. Mayor Daggs inquired as to a building permit requirement for a driveway that was being poured. Guidance given to Clerk Dennis to send a violation letter for Chapter 165 Building Permits to 604 Logan Ave.
No comments from Public Works nor City Clerk.
Public Works to get with Clerk Dennis for the information on the locator. Wessels has given that information to them to relay.
Deb Keninger addressed the council regarding their lilac bush that was tore up during the 2019/2020 Water Main project on Logan Ave. She was also upset that she got zero notification of the project being done. Their alley was tore up and ruined during the process. Since the project, she reports there is quite a bit of dust flying around. Mayor Daggs addressed her concerns and let her know there were public hearings that went on for that project and it was posted in the paper so she could have attended one of those. She also stated that the asphalt in that alley was in very poor condition and by the time the contractor is done with the project, the alley will be in good shape with the 12 inches of fill rock. The City had to dig in the respectable areas due to the DNR guidelines. Mayor Daggs also reported that the City does not maintain the alleys but will come and spread rock/gravel if the home owners on the alley has brought some in. The contractor will come and finish this project so it is not yet done. Councilmen Wessels has asked Public Works to water down the newly laid gravel to control some of the dust in the alley.
Delton Woodley addressed the council about the alley and his use in his wheelchair. He purchased his house due to the alley being asphalted. Wessels reports that by the time the contractor is done, the alley will be in better condition.
Wessels moved, Hurt seconded to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. Ayes-5. Motion carried.
Pat Daggs, Mayor
Malena Dennis, City Clerk.