August 30, 2018
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in special session August 30, 2018 in the City Hall Council Chambers with Mayor Erik Graham presiding. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. Council members present: Pat Daggs, Pat Hurt, Joe Wessels, and Judy Crawford. Absent: Al Jones. Quorum present.
Daggs moved, Hurt seconded, to approve the August 30, 2018 Agenda as listed. Ayes-4. Motion carried.
Wessels moved, Daggs seconded, to approve the liquor license for the Ackley Chamber of Commerce for the coming weekend’s activities at Prairie Bridges Park. Ayes-4. Motion carried.
Crawford moved, Wessels seconded, to approve the purchase of the conversion of the siren at the ambulance garage to radio controlled activation from RC Systems in the amount of $3,693.69. Ayes-4. Motion carried. The Council believes the cost of the conversion will be paid for with donations and grants..
With no further discussion, Crawford moved, Wessels seconded, to adjourn at 5:05 p.m. Ayes-4. Motion carried.