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Ackley City Council | Regular Meeting Minutes


July 11, 2018

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session July 11, 2018 in the Ackley Civic Center with Mayor Erik Graham presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Judy Crawford, Pat Daggs, Pat Hurt, Al Jones, and Joe Wessels. Absent: None. Quorum present.

Hurt moved, Jones seconded, to approve the July 11, 2018 Agenda as listed. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Jones moved, Daggs seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) June 13, 2018 Regular Mtg; June 27, 2018 Special Mtg Minutes as written. b) Bills approval authorizing payment of bills and transfers as listed. c) Place Reports on file: June 2018 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Treasurer Report, June 2018 Clerk Budget Reports, June 2018 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation, June 2018 Fire Report, June 2018 Ambulance Report, 2nd Quarter 2018 Treasurer Investment Report, 2nd Quarter 2018 Prairie Bridges Financial Reports. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded, to open the public hearing at 7:01 p.m. on the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimate of Costs for Phase 1 Collection System Cleaning/Video/Lining/Spot Repair and Manhole Repair/Replace/Seal Project. Ayes-All. Motion carried. No oral or written comments or objections were received. Daggs moved, Jones seconded, to close the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Wessels explained how he went over the lowest bid of $2.9M for Phase 1 of the Sewer Project, and felt that over $600,000 could be eliminated from the project. Mayor Graham explained that they would have to accept the bid as is and then do change orders to eliminate items in the bid. He further explained that if the Council were to reject all bids and rebid the project out, they would then be up against time restraints. Wessels moved, Daggs seconded, to accept the bid of $2,916,668 from Municipal Pipe Tool Co. LLC in Hudson. Roll call vote: Ayes-Daggs, Hurt, Jones, Wessels, Crawford. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Jones seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 18-42 Establishing the Fee for the Tags for the Collection and Disposal of Additional Containers of Solid Waste. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hurt, Jones, Wessels, Crawford, Daggs. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Wessels seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 18-43 To fix a date for a public hearing on proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $3,200,000. Roll call vote: Ayes-Jones, Wessels, Crawford, Daggs, Hurt. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 18-44 Hiring Abbey Schumacher and Kim Scallon as Managers of the Swimming Pool. Roll call vote: Ayes-Wessels, Crawford, Daggs, Hurt, Jones. Motion carried.

Discussion was held regarding the updated Purchase Policy. The main concern was procedures for emergency purchases. Resolution No. 18-45 Approving the Purchase Policy was tabled until next month so that more changes to the policy can be made.

Wessels moved, Jones seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 18-46 Authorizing FY18 Year End Transfers. Roll call vote: Ayes-Daggs, Hurt, Jones, Wessels, Crawford. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Daggs seconded, to approve the Liquor Licenses for Casey’s General Store #1921 and for Friends of Prairie Bridges pending dram shop insurance endorsement. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Hurt presented to the Council his idea of addressing the remodeling items at City Hall in phases so that the amount spent does not go over the allotted bond money. He suggested that if they were going to update the boiler that should be the first phase. The next phase would be installing mini-splits, and lastly lighting. Council was in agreement to leave the boiler alone at this point and move forward with updating the cooling. Daggs moved, Jones seconded, to accept Carstens’ bid of $11,540 to install mini-splits on the first floor of City Hall. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Council revisited the Ackley Recreation Club’s request for approval to remove a curb on 5th Ave. to allow golf carts access to the golf course so that people stop using the access through Darren Janssen’s property. Council had previously voted to allow the Rec Club to remove the curb on their property if they replaced the curb on Janssen’s property. The Rec Club is not willing to pay to replace the curb, and Janssen has stated that he doesn’t want it replaced. Daggs moved, Crawford seconded, to allow the Ackley Recreation Club to cut the curb on the north side of the golf course to allow carts to enter, and not require Janssen’s curb be replaced. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

In response to complaints, after the recent tornado warning, that residents on the east side of town could not hear the tornado siren, Fire Chief Tim Eichmeier presented the Council with information on our current alert system and the cost of adding a siren. Eichmeier explained that our system is an outdoor alert system. It is not meant for people to hear it inside. Inside residents should be using other means like television or a weather radio to receive alerts. He also had a map that showed the areas that each of the City’s two sirens cover and it showed that the entire city is covered. The cost of adding another smaller siren on the east side of town would be $19,500. Council did not feel any action needed to be taken.

Police Chief Brian Shimon explained to the Council that with our current ordinance anyone who gets a ticket for a municipal infraction would have to see a judge and the judge then sets the fine up to $750.00. Shimon stated that for smaller infractions he would like to see the Council set the fines. This would allow the violator to just pay the fine and not have to go before a judge. The particular infraction that has been an issue recently is grass clippings in the street. Crawford moved, Jones seconded, to set a public hearing for the first reading of a proposed ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ackley, Iowa by amending Section 135.03 Placing Debris On, setting fines of $25 for the first offense, $50 for the second offense, and $100 for the third offense for August 8, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Shimon updated the Council on the status of two nuisance properties. The property at 420 State St. will probably be the City’s by the end of the month. The owner of 702 1st Ave. has done a steady job of improving the property. Shimon will continue monitoring as there is still some major work that needs completed. Shimon stated that the City’s attorney was comfortable with the progression in the 90 days and does not feel any action needs to be taken at this time.

Angela De La Riva, Economic Development Director, shared with the Council highlights from her Director’s Report.

In the absence of Lee Gallentine, City Engineer, Don Moore, CGA, presented some items to the Council. The first being a letter from Gallentine explaining that only one bid was received for the City Hall Sidewalk and Storm Sewer Replacement project in the amount of $108,446, which was twice the engineer’s estimate. He feels this is mainly due to the timing and recommends that Council reject the quote and let the project again this winter. Crawford moved, Wessels seconded, to reject the bid received and let the project again this November/December and take bids in January. Ayes-All. Motion carried. The next item presented was another letter from Gallentine. This one listing the three quotes received for the Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising. Contractors were concerned by the fact that the storm sewers had never been cleaned, and although the quotes were high, Gallentine recommended Council award the work to the lowest bidder. Moore was not sure how much had already been completed by Williams under a previous contract. Wessels moved, Crawford seconded, to table a decision until they find out how much has been completed and see if a video was provided. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Updates were given on old business. Mayor Graham reminded the Council that hearings will be held at the August meeting with Ackley Family Dental and Times Citizen regarding their buildings. Graham will check on an estimated completion date for the 626 Main St. repair. Per the contract the work was to be completed by June 1st. Once completed there they will begin work in the police department. Crawford informed the Council that although the paperwork was all submitted for the USDA Grant for the Partnership between the City and School, it was for a low amount since there hadn’t been enough time to get quotes on cameras. She stated that since we can resubmit next year, she thought it was best to wait and try to work with the new school superintendent and perhaps include some funding in next year’s budget. Jones spoke with the city maintenance employees about the gutters and lines in the parking area at the library. They were not comfortable with attempting those tasks. Since it was not in the budget, Jones did not reach out to contractors for bids. Graham directed Jones to go ahead and get a bid for each project so Council can determine to proceed or use the quote for budgeting next year. Daggs informed the Council that the maintenance employees mowed the industrial park land, but that it was very tough and littered with debris. Wessels asked De La Riva to contact Paul Williams to see if he would still like to purchase a lot now that the landfarm has been closed.

DeBerg informed the Council that Gallentine has provided Mike Smith, City Attorney, with a preliminary copy of the industrial park subdivision final plat so Smith will now create the abstract and continue with the process.

Crawford informed the Council that the Tree Board meet last night. They are concerned about the emerald ash borer since Ackley has over 140 ash trees. Many trees will have to come down and be replaced. The Board is looking into grant money. Mayor Graham commended Wessels on his work on researching the sewer project. DeBerg informed the Council that the City’s premium for property and workers compensation insurance went down from last year. A 3% increase was estimated at budget time. DeBerg also reminded the Council that she would be at clerk school for five days over the next two weeks.

Public Comments: None

With no further discussion, Crawford moved, Jones seconded, to adjourn at 8:51 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

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