ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in an emergency special session, November 14, 2017, in the Ackley Fire Department with Mayor Erik Graham presiding. The meeting was called to order at 3:16 p.m. Council members present: Sue Ibeling, Joe Wessels, and Dale Brass. Absent: Robert Harms and Al Jones. Quorum present. Others in attendance: Maggie Allen, Wyatt Allen, Tony Baranowski, Randy Bishop, Judy Crawford, Pat Daggs, Malena Dennis, Tim Eichmeier, Dustin Ingram, Dr. Paul O’Kane, Donna Roberts, Becky Schipper, and Brian Shimon.
Wessels moved, Ibeling seconded, to approve the November 14, 2017 Agenda as listed. Ayes-Ibeling, Wessels, Brass. Absent-Harms, Jones. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the properties known as 728 and 734 Main Street, Ackley, Iowa. Randy Bishop, Bishop Consulting Engineers, informed the council of the recent happenings at these properties along with his opinion of the present condition of these properties. Bishop reported that a gas leak was called into the Fire Department earlier this morning. It was discovered that a large section of a load bearing basement wall in 728 Main Street had collapsed, pushed against the furnace, and broke a gas pipe. There is no longer anything supporting the main floor joists, and other places in the wall have large cracks, and in his opinion, will probably collapse before too long. Bishop feels that once the next section of the wall falls it is likely that the whole interior wall will collapse and bring down the first floor, second floor, and roof in these two buildings. In Bishop’s opinion the buildings are not safe and recommends not letting anyone in these two buildings. Bishop did not anticipate much damage to the other connecting buildings. Bishop stated that he feels it is more feasible to demo the buildings that to try to stabilize them due to the unsafe conditions. Property owners Wyatt and Maggie Allen were planning to have a contractor come in and do some work after an initial partial basement wall collapse was discovered earlier. However, one week ago, the contractor said it would be four weeks before he could get to it. Bishop stated that he would consider this an emergency situation and that the City should have someone in within a week as he does not feel it will last much longer. Wyatt Allen asked if the City would take the property. Mayor Graham explained that the City could have the necessary work done and assess the cost to the property owner. Mayor Graham asked Bishop to put in writing what he feels will need to be done to make the property safe. Council asked Allen’s to contact their contractor immediately and see if he still feels he can save the buildings. Mayor Graham stated he would also begin contacting contractors and requested that the Council reconvene on Friday to further discuss.
With no further discussion, Ibeling moved, Wessels seconded, to adjourn at 4:22 p.m. Ayes-Ibeling, Wessels, Brass. Absent-Harms, Jones. Motion carried.
Erik Graham, Mayor
ATTEST: _______________________________
Kelly DeBerg, City Clerk